Test declaration

Test cases have the same structure than usual Rust tests, that is unwraping Results and using assertion macros (assert and assert_eq), the exception being that it should take a &mut TestContext parameter. It might also take a FileType argument if required. It also needs an additional declaration with the test_case! macro alongside the function, with the function name being the only mandatory argument.

For example:

// chmod/00.t:L58
crate::test_case! {
    /// chmod updates ctime when it succeeds
    update_ctime => [Regular, Dir, Fifo, Block, Char, Socket]
fn update_ctime(ctx: &mut TestContext, f_type: FileType) {
    let path = ctx.create(f_type).unwrap();
    assert_ctime_changed(ctx, &path, || {
        assert!(chmod(&path, Mode::from_bits_truncate(0o111)).is_ok());

All the structures and functions needed are documented in the pjdfstest crate, which you can obtain by running cargo doc --open in the rust directory or by visiting the documentation.

Test context

The TestContext struct is a helper struct which provides methods to create files, sleep, change user, etc. It is passed as a parameter to the test functions and should be used to interact with the system in order to ensure that the tests are isolated and do not interfere with each other.


When a test case needs to be run in a serialized manner, the SerializedTestContext struct should be used instead. It provides additional methods to change the user, group, supplementary groups, or umask of the process. Please see the Serialized test cases section for more information.


The assert and assert_eq macros should be used to check the results of the tests. The assert macro should be used when the test is checking a condition, while the assert_eq macro should be used when the test is checking that two values are equal. In addition to these macros, the suite provides some additional assertion functions which should be used when appropriate. The tests module documentation provides a list of these functions.


It is possible to provide doc comments which will be used as documentation for developers but also be displayed to users when they run the test. The doc comments should be written in the test_case! declaration, before anything. For example:

crate::test_case! {
    /// The file mode of a newly created file should not affect whether
    /// posix_fallocate will work, only the create args
    /// https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=154873
    affected_only_create_flags, serialized, root, FileSystemFeature::PosixFallocate


It is possible to give additional parameters to the test case macro, to modify the execution of the tests or add requirements.

File-system exclusive features

Some features are not available for every file system. For tests requiring such features, the execution becomes opt-in. A variant of the FileSystemFeature enum corresponding to this feature should be specified after potential root requirement and before guards. Multiple features can be specified, separated by a comma ,.

For example:

#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
crate::test_case! {eperm_immutable_flag, FileSystemFeature::Chflags, FileSystemFeature::PosixFallocate ...}

Adding features

New features can be added to the FileSystemFeature enum. A description of the feature should be provided as documentation for both developers and users.


It is possible to specify "guards", which are functions which checks if a requirement is met and return an error if not so the test will be skipped. They can be specified by appending function names after a ; separator, after potential root requirement and features.

The function has to take a &Config argument which contains the current configuration and a &Path which represents the parent folder of the potential test context which would be created.

Guard signature

/// Function which indicates if the test should be skipped by returning an error.
pub type Guard = fn(&Config, &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()>;


fn has_reasonable_link_max(_: &Config, base_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let link_max = pathconf(base_path, nix::unistd::PathconfVar::LINK_MAX)?
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to get LINK_MAX value"))?;

    if link_max >= LINK_MAX_LIMIT {
        anyhow::bail!("LINK_MAX value is too high ({link_max}, expected smaller than {LINK_MAX_LIMIT}");


crate::test_case! {
    /// link returns EMLINK if the link count of the file named by name1 would exceed {LINK_MAX}
    link_count_max; has_reasonable_link_max

Root privileges

Some tests may need root privileges to run. To declare that a test function require such privileges, root should be added to its declaration. For example:

crate::test_case!{change_perm, root}

The root requirement is automatically added for privileged file types, namely block and char.

File types

Some test cases need to test over different file types. The file types should be added at the end of the test case declaration, within brackets and with a fat arrow before (=> [Regular]). The test function should also accept a FileType parameter to operate on.

For example:

crate::test_case! {change_perm, root, FileSystemFeature::Chflags => [Regular, Fifo, Block, Char, Socket]}
fn change_perm(ctx: &mut TestContext, f_type: FileType) {

Platform-specific features

Some features (like lchmod) are not supported on every operating system. When a test make use of such feature, it is possible to restrain its compilation to the supported operating systems, with the attribute #[cfg(feature_name)]. It is also possible to apply this attribute on an aspect or even a syscall module. For example:

mod lchmod;

To declare it, the feature and its requirements have to be specified in the build.rs file using the usual conditional compilation syntax. Then, the feature should be added to the cfg_aliases! macro. With lchmod, we would get:

    cfg_aliases! {
        lchmod: { any(target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "dragonfly") },

Serialized test cases

Some test cases need functions only available when they are run serialized, especially when they affect the whole process. An example is changing user (SerializedTestContext::as_user). To have access to these functions, the test should be declared with a SerializedTestContext parameter in place of TestContext and the serialized keyword should be prepended before features and root requirement.

For example:

crate::test_case! {
    /// link changes neither ctime of file nor ctime or mtime of parent when it fails
    // link/00.t#77
    unchanged_ctime_fails, serialized, root => [Regular, Fifo, Block, Char, Socket]
fn unchanged_ctime_fails(ctx: &mut SerializedTestContext, ft: FileType) {
    let file = ctx.create(ft).unwrap();
    let new_path = ctx.gen_path();

    let user = ctx.get_new_user();
        .path(&file, CTIME)
        .path(ctx.base_path(), CTIME | MTIME)
        .execute(ctx, false, || {
            ctx.as_user(user, None, || {
                    link(&file, &new_path),
                    Err(Errno::EPERM | Errno::EACCES)